Initial Vocational Evaluation
This section outlines the type of information and process used when we perform our Initial Vocational Evaluation:
- Initially we review all available medical and vocational information including, but not limited to: doctor releases, functional capacity evaluations, application for employment, job descriptions and the records of previous rehabilitation service providers.
- A clinical interview is conducted to obtain the individual's work history, personal history, education, perception of available physical capacities, skills, knowledge, experience, training and psycho-social information.
- This combined information is then compiled, reviewed and evaluated to produce our Initial Vocational Evaluation Report. We anticipate upon receipt of all necessary information, and subsequent to completing an Initial Vocational Evaluation, that our report and recommendations will be forwarded within approximately 21 days.
- Our Initial Vocational Evaluation Report in workers' compensation matters usually includes: an objective, viable Rehabilitation Plan, and in Illinois, an evaluation of NATIONAL TEA GUIDELINES click here and completion of a Section 7110.10 Rehabilitation Plan click here.
- EPS Rehabilitation, Inc., provides information in our Vocational Rehabilitation Plan regarding the individual's potential for return to work and if appropriate, will pursue information regarding what type of short term training, such as English as a second language, securing a General Equivalency Diploma, introduction to keyboarding or computer class, etc., which should facilitate and expedite a successful return to work.
- If after completion of our Initial Vocational Evaluation the individual is not referred to EPS Rehabilitation, Inc. for additional services, our Initial Vocational Evaluation Report can be used to facilitate equitable resolution by utilizing objective information and opinions which allows for sound, realistic negotiations for all parties.
More Information
If you are interested in obtaining an objective evaluation and identification of information to address vocational issues, or need vocational placement assistance, please click here.