Vocational Placement Services
At EPS Rehabilitation, Inc. our experienced Vocational Rehabilitation counselors provide vocational rehabilitation services to injured workers, Insurance Carriers, Employers, Third Party Administrators and Attorneys. Our mission is to return injured workers to productive and safe employment opportunities. Our Placement program is anchored in comprehensive and accomplished job placement processes.
When vocational services are requested, we initiate a comprehensive series of professional activities to meet the specific Vocational Placement services as requested by the Referral source.
When retained to provide Vocational Placement services, we contact appropriate parties after consultations and job development activities to provide updates regarding the job seeker's progress, address any issues that may negatively impact a job seeker's ability to secure employment and any concerns stated by the job seeker. This open communication between all parties facilitates return to work or closure in a timely and efficient manner.
When vocational placement services are authorized, we meet with the Job Seeker every other week to insure constant reinforcement of the basic tenants of a Self Directed Job Search Program. Our continued oversight, direction and teaching of appropriate job seeking skills and job search paradigms will allow the job seeker to thoroughly understand their responsibilities and the responsibilities of EPS Rehabilitation, Inc. Certified Rehabilitation Counselors.
Our ability to give the Job Seeker on the spot guidance, support and direction helps improve their future employment contacts and facilitates obtaining safe, appropriate employment within their rehabilitation variables at the highest wage available.
Job Seeking Skills
Job seekers will receive the following training:
- The job seeking skills program includes how to identify employment opportunities matching their abilities, how to identify library, electronic and print resources to identify potential employers who may have jobs commensurate with their rehabilitation profile, how to dress and present themselves in a positive fashion to potential employers. We will train the Job Seeker on how to utilize the rights they are afforded through the Americans with Disabilities Act and how to answer questions regarding the need for employment and changing vocations.
- We will teach the Job Seeker to have productive contact with the potential employer, to provide a resume, complete an application for employment and request an interview.
- We will direct the individual to follow-up with all potential employers having positions within their available physical capacities to secure interviews to facilitate employment and assist in maximizing the job seeker's wage earning potential.
EPS Rehabilitation, Inc. will contact potential employers for the following reasons:
- We will inquire if the job seeker provided a resume, the completeness of application information as well as discuss how the job seeker presented information and if any interview was requested or completed.
- We will promote the job seeker's most valuable characteristics to the potential employer in an attempt to secure interviews for appropriate employment, maximizing the job seeking wage earning potential.
Job Goals
- We will utilize the job seekers available physical capacities, age, education, experience, training, skills and knowledge to identify numerous positions which are available to set job goals. Developing this list of job goals facilitates the greatest access to appropriate employment and expedites securing employment.
- Our staff will meet approximately every two weeks with job seekers (weekly when requested) and review our extensive Vocational Placement Check List (hereinafter referred to as"Check List"), so the job seeker is thoroughly aware of the parameters of their responsibilities and the responsibilities of EPS Rehabilitation, Inc. The Check List has been developed and utilized over the last 20 years to provide a consistent overview for the job seeker. The job seekers are consistently reminded how to positively present themselves to potential employers to facilitate securing employment, while maximizing their wage earning potential. This Check List is reviewed in detail by the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and job seeker at every consultation, before proceeding to contact potential employers for job development activities.
Americans with Disabilities Act
We will educate the job seeker on their rights through the Americans with Disabilities Act and Amendments Act of 2008 and how they can protect their rights when interviewing by not exposing information which would negatively impact their employment candidacy, so if they are motivated to do so, they can legally secure employment by maximizing their presentation to potential employers.
We will routinely discuss and reinforce how to discuss questions relating to why they are seeking employment, or are no longer able to perform their past work.
For more information regarding our Vocational Placement Checklist, please click here .
To work with one of our seasoned EPS Rehabilitation, Inc. Vocational Placement professionals, please click here.