Disability Management
We evaluate employment sites and address the prevention of injuries through sound return to work strategies, to facilitate timely, successful, resolutions using proven positive, proactive, problem solving techniques.
Lessons we have learned through provision of ongoing medical and vocational services, and the disability management programs we have developed, will be applied to the specialized program that we tailor to your needs.
Our Disability Management Programs will develop systems and pyramids to address prevention, immediate response and identification of problems to be solved, services to be utilized, communications systems, standardized return to work programs, Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance, along with development of cost and result reports.
Our goal is to improve the coordination and medical services received, lower medical and indemnity costs and eliminate all but statutory permanent total disability outcomes.
Disability management programs, like all of our services, can be designed to be as limited or all inclusive as dictated by your needs and resources.
If you are interested in developing a specialized Disability Management Program to improve the services received by workers injured while in your employ, please click here and complete our Disability Management Questionnaire or contact Mr. Steffan at 708-614-7771 or epsrehab@epsrehab.com.
To learn more about our Disability Management Program Philosophy, click here.
To begin the referral process with a professional at EPS Rehabilitation, Inc., please click here.