Our mission is to provide positive, pro-active, problem-solving services to assist individuals and their employers with quality services to maximize their recovery and assist them with a safe, timely, and successfull return to work.
Accomplishing our mission has allowed EPS Rehabilitation, Inc. to facilitate optimal recovery for the individual while maximizing return on investment and facilitating lower overall costs. This has allowed us to assist thousands of injured worker’s and their employers for almost 30 years.
- about us
professional services
- Forensic
- Worker Compensation
- Forensic Testimony and Services
- Disability Management
- Disability Management
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- referrals
- news
- events
- Government
- The American Academy of Case Management (AIHCP)
- International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions (IAIABC)
- Illinois Workers Compensation Commission (IWCC)
- U. S. Department of Labor (DOL)
- National Council of Self Insured (NCSI)
- National Association of Independent Adjusters (NAIIA)
- Associations
- Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (ILARP)
- Case Management Society of America (CMSA)
- National Rehabilitation Association (NationalRehab)
- Worker Compensation Lawyers Association, Ltd. (WCLA)
- Northern Illinois Adjusters Association (NIAA)
- Illinois Self Insured Association (ISIA)
- paragon health services
- contact
As a courtesy to our clients, bilingual services are available.

Copyright 2010 | All rights
reserved EPS Rehabilitation, Inc.
17726 S. Oak Park Avenue, Suite F Tinley Park, IL 60477.